Wish to shop when we’re not open?  Just call or text 717-679-4564. We can usually assist traveling buyers.

Terms and Conditions of Using This Website

This website is owned and controlled by The Tweed Weasel LLC. The information and data on this site is subject to revision without notice and The Tweed Weasel LLC may revise these Terms and Conditions at any time by updating this notice.

By accessing and/or browsing the Site, you are acknowledging and agreeing that:

i) All intellectual property rights in and to the site are the property of The Tweed Weasel LLC and you agree not to copy, reproduce, transmit, distribute or create derivative works of any part of the site for commercial gain, nor assist any third party to distribute or commercially exploit all or any part of the site.
ii) The site is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis and The Tweed Weasel LLC makes no express or implied warranties or representations in relation to it. This includes, without limitation, any implied warranties or representations of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, availability, completeness or accuracy.
iii) The Tweed Weasel LLC shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from, or in any way connected with, your use of the site or any information contained or derived from it.
iv) The Tweed Weasel LLC shall not take responsibility for the availability or content of any external sites or resources to which it has hyperlinks and might not endorse or approve of any material on sites linked from or to this site. In particular you should note that home pages of sites affiliated to The Tweed Weasel LLC are individually responsible for their content and expression of opinions. The Tweed Weasel LLC does not take responsibility for the content of or opinions expressed in any external site and might not endorse or approve of all or any material on the site.
v) If user submits an email message to The Tweed Weasel LLC, the user agrees to allow The Tweed Weasel LLC to include the user on any email contact list managed by the Company or its partner companies. The Company agrees to not allow the user’s email address to be sold or re-used by any unrelated third party.
vi) User understands that this site in NOT a commerce site with e-commerce style security encryption features, and user will not email ANY confidential credit or debit card information to the Company. The Company will not accept responsibility for user losses due to lost or misused user financial information. Confidential credit or debit card information may be submitted by regular mail service or voice telephone only. The Company will not store or retain any confidential payment card information.